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Foundations of UML
Wintersemester 2021/22
Prof. Katoen
Videos vom Lehrstuhl selbst aufgezeichnet und uns zur Verfügung gestellt. Einige Aufnahmen sind aus 2020.
Lecture 1: Introduction / Message Sequence Charts
Do, 14.10.2021, 16:30 Uhr
Definition Partial Order
Definition Hasse Diagram
Definition Linearization
Definition Process and Action
Definition Communicating Action
Format unbekannt (570.7 MiB)
Format unbekannt (570.7 MiB)
Lecture 2: Races
Do, 21.10.2021, 16:30 Uhr
Definition FIFO Property
Definition Action Linearizations
Well-formedness of CFMs
From linearizations to MSCs
Definition Isomorphism of Linearizations
Relation MSC M and Lin(M)
Definition Causal Order
Definition Race
Format unbekannt (685.2 MiB)
Format unbekannt (685.2 MiB)
Lecture 2: Races
Do, 28.10.2021, 16:30 Uhr
Video von 2020
Format unbekannt (520.1 MiB)
Format unbekannt (520.1 MiB)
Lecture 3: Message Sequence Graphs
Do, 04.11.2021, 16:30 Uhr
Video von 2020
Definition Message Sequence Graph
Definition Concatenation of MSCs
Properties of Concatenation
Definition Paths in MSGs
Definition Language of an MSG
Definition Word Language
Definition Races in MSGs
Undecidability of empty intersection
Format unbekannt (356.9 MiB)
Format unbekannt (356.9 MiB)
Lecture 4: Message Sequence Graphs
Mo, 08.11.2021, 16:30 Uhr
Video von 2020
Format unbekannt (365.8 MiB)
Format unbekannt (365.8 MiB)
Lecture 5: Compositional Message Sequence Graphs
Mo, 15.11.2021, 16:30 Uhr
Video von 2020
Definition Compositional MSCs
Composition of CMSCs
Definition Compositional MSG
Definition CMSG Language
Definition Safe path
Definition Safe CMSG
Undecidability of existence of a safe path
Format unbekannt (664.3 MiB)
Format unbekannt (664.3 MiB)
Lecture 6: Compositional Message Sequence Graphs
Do, 18.11.2021, 16:30 Uhr
Video von 2020
Definition Pushdown automaton
Definition Configuration
Definition Successor
Format unbekannt (579.1 MiB)
Format unbekannt (579.1 MiB)
Lecture 7: Communicating Finite-State Machines
Mo, 22.11.2021, 16:30 Uhr
Video von 2020
Definition Communication Actions, Channels
Definition Communicating finite-state machine
Definition Configurations of CFMs
Definition Global Step of CFM
Definition Linearization of a CFM
Emptyness Problem for CFMs is undecidable
Format unbekannt (862.9 MiB)
Format unbekannt (862.9 MiB)
Lecture 9: Bounded MSCs and CFMs
Do, 25.11.2021, 16:30 Uhr
Video von 2020
Bounded MSCs and CFMs
Definition CFM
Linearisations of a CFM (Accepting Runs)
Reminder Well-formedness
Well-formedness of CFMs
Emptiness Problem for CFMs
Universally bounded MSCs
Existentially bounded MSCs
Universally bounded CFM
Existentially bounded CFM
Format unbekannt (464.5 MiB)
Format unbekannt (464.5 MiB)
Lecture 09: Realisability
Mo, 29.11.2021, 16:30 Uhr
Video von 2020
Realisability Problem
Deterministic CFM
Deadlock-free CFM
Weak CFM
Realisability of MSC
MSC projection
Inference Relation
Closure under Inference
Realisability under Closure
Format unbekannt (718.6 MiB)
Format unbekannt (718.6 MiB)
Lecture 10: Realisability
Mo, 06.12.2021, 16:30 Uhr
Joined Dependency Problem
CONP-Completeness of the Join Dependency Problem
Format unbekannt (499.1 MiB)
Format unbekannt (499.1 MiB)
Lecture 11: Safe Realisability
Do, 09.12.2021, 16:30 Uhr
Safe Realisability
Safe Realisability
Safe inference
Deadlock-free Inference Relation
Closure under Deadlock-free Inference
Weak closure
Format unbekannt (548.2 MiB)
Format unbekannt (548.2 MiB)
Lecture 12: Regularity and Realisability
Mo, 13.12.2021, 16:30 Uhr
Definition Realisability
Definition Safe Realisability
Definition Regular MSCs, MSGs, and CFMs
Regular MSCs, MSGs, and CFMs
Definition B-Bounded words
Definition Communication Graph
Definition Communication Closedness
Definition Asynchonous Iteration
Definition Finitely Generated
Format unbekannt (612.3 MiB)
Format unbekannt (612.3 MiB)
Lecture 13: Local Choice MSGs and Regular Expressions on MSCs
Do, 16.12.2021, 16:30 Uhr
Definition Local Communication Closedness
Non-local choice example
Definition Minimal Event
Definition Partial oder of a path
Branching vertices
Definition Local choice
Definition Regular expressions over MSCs
Definition Locally accepting CFM
Definition Connected MSC
Definition Star-connected
Definition Finitely generated
Format unbekannt (644.7 MiB)
Format unbekannt (644.7 MiB)
Lecture 14: Realising Local-Choice MSGs
Mo, 20.12.2021, 16:30 Uhr
Definition: Local Choice
A Realisation Algorithm for Local-Choice MSGs
Format unbekannt (506.7 MiB)
Format unbekannt (506.7 MiB)
Lecture 15: A Logic for MSCs
Mo, 10.01.2022, 16:30 Uhr
Format unbekannt (571.9 MiB)
Format unbekannt (571.9 MiB)
Lecture 16: A Logic for MSCs (Part 2)
Do, 13.01.2022, 16:30 Uhr
Format unbekannt (741.5 MiB)
Format unbekannt (741.5 MiB)
Lecture 17: Introduction to Statecharts
Do, 20.01.2022, 16:30 Uhr
Format unbekannt (678.2 MiB)
Format unbekannt (678.2 MiB)
Lecture 19: Statechart Semantics (2)
Do, 27.01.2022, 17:00 Uhr
Format unbekannt (429.4 MiB)
Format unbekannt (429.4 MiB)